Thank you for your feedback, but I still can't repeat the problem you are 
having. I will do more tests.
With regard to PortableApps, I was just sharing my happy experience: I make 
continuous changes to the settings of my browser, so with repeated installs 
and uninstalls. Using, instead, a portable version of the browser I just 
delete the old folder, and unzip the downloaded file again (such versions 
don't install on the computer and therefore not affect any previous 
installations of the program). I use that downloaded from PortableApps but 
there is also
If you are interested, here you will find the definition of portable 
I repeat, I'm just reporting a method by which I am fine, I'm not making 

Il giorno martedì 2 ottobre 2012 16:50:07 UTC+2, JoeCodeswell ha scritto:
> Dear Paolo,
> I cleaned both my Opera and Firefox browsers and STILL got the same 
> result, i.e., the sub-menus show up from the test4joe home page, but NOT 
> when either of the Top Level menu items are hovered over from either of the 
> forms pages. I have included screen shots of how i cleaned the browsers.
> I am not sure what you want me to do at I don't see an 
> Opera browser there. Do you want me to download Firefox and wipe out my 
> present installation, replacing it with the version? I 
> don't know anything about Do I need to download some of 
> their framework as well? How good a reputation do they have?
> Thanks again, Paolo.
> Love and peace,
> Joe
> On Friday, September 28, 2012 3:35:27 PM UTC-7, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
>> Joe,
>> thank you very much for the precious informations.
>> The behavior in Ubuntu that you described at 2.2 point of the list is 
>> normal (collapsed menu).
>> With regard to Windows I can't reproduce the issue on my XP3 system. 
>> Would you please use a cleaned browser (I usually use a portable version 
>> freely downloaded from with its default settings?
>> I'm looking forward to your reply.
>> Il giorno venerdì 28 settembre 2012 22:28:34 UTC+2, JoeCodeswell ha 
>> scritto:
>>> Dear Paolo,
>>> Here are the results from my runs on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Windows XP SP3 
>>> machines.
>>> Ubuntu
>>> 1. ran in trunk version home/web2py-web2py-722b16e
>>> 2. Results
>>>     1. For Full Screen: IMPROVEMENT for menu behavior
>>>         menus from index are same as from cu00 or app00 
>>>             - menu behavior is better
>>>             - menus don't seem to "freeze"
>>>         [SEE test4joe-ubu-index-fullScr.jpg]
>>>     2. For Non-fullscreen:
>>>         Top Level Menus DO NOT show up [SEE 
>>> test4joe-ubu-index-NOTfull.jpg]
>>>             except when 3 white lines are clicked on
>>>                 [SEE test4joe-ubu-index-NOTfull-click3.jpg]
>>> Windows
>>> 1. ran in trunk version C:\web2py-web2py-722b16e\web2py-web2py-722b16e
>>> 2. Results:
>>>     IMPROVEMENT for menus from index page
>>>     NO sub-menus from either update pages
>>>     1. from 
>>>         -seems like everything WORKS
>>>             see test4joe-win-index-OK.jpg
>>>     2. from 
>>>         -sub-menus DO NOT show up when either Top Level menu item is 
>>> hovered over
>>>             see test4joe-win-app00-NG.jpg [unshown cursor is hovering 
>>> over lit up ContactUs Top Level menu item]
>>>                 the Appointment Top Level menu item does not show 
>>> sub-menus when hovered over 
>>>                     from this page either
>>>     3. from
>>>         -sub-menus DO NOT show up when either Top Level menu item is 
>>> hovered over
>>>             see test4joe-win-cu00-NG.jpg [unshown cursor is hovering 
>>> over lit up Appointment Top Level menu item]
>>>                 the ContactUs Top Level menu item does not show 
>>> sub-menus when hovered over 
>>>                     from this page either
>>> It seems you are on the right track, Paolo. Thanks for all the help.
>>> Love and peace,
>>> Joe
>>> On Friday, September 28, 2012 8:03:18 AM UTC-7, JoeCodeswell wrote:
>>>> Dear Paolo,
>>>> I will try this on *both* my *Windows* machine *AND* my *Ubuntu*machine. 
>>>> Also, please see my previous post, of about 5 minutes ago, in response 
>>>> to you, regarding the *different* types of *failure modes* for my *Windows 
>>>> and Ubuntu* machines. [The "*three white lines*" *never* show up *on*my 
>>>> *Windows* machine, *only* *on* my *Ubuntu* machine]
>>>> Thanks again, Paolo, for all the help.
>>>> Love and peace,
>>>> Joe
>>>> On Thursday, September 27, 2012 4:27:24 PM UTC-7, Paolo Caruccio wrote:
>>>>> Joe a last try.
>>>>> I confused web2py versions on my pc.
>>>>> In last trunk of web2py the javascript hover menu funcion has been 
>>>>> moved in static/js/web2py_bootstrap.js
>>>>> Here attached new test4joe.
>>>>> Finger crossed.
>>>>> Il giorno giovedì 27 settembre 2012 23:51:36 UTC+2, Paolo Caruccio ha 
>>>>> scritto:
>>>>>> It's very strange. I tested my layout.html in several Windows 
>>>>>> scenarios (windows7, windowsXp sp3) with several browsers (last version 
>>>>>> of 
>>>>>> Opera, Firefox, Chrome and IE9) without any issue.
>>>>>> I used the last trunk of web2py, not stable version 2.0.9.
>>>>>> Anyway, web2py 2.0.9 has topbar menu managed via bootstrap framework. 
>>>>>> This framework is responsive, so when wieport is smaller of a certain 
>>>>>> width 
>>>>>> the menu collapses and it's replaced with the three white lines.
>>>>>> Only for test: you could try the following options and see what 
>>>>>> happens:
>>>>>> 1) refresh the page when browser window is fullscreen
>>>>>> 2) open the web2py application with a cache cleaned browser
>>>>>> 3) disable javascript 
>>>>>> Il giorno giovedì 27 settembre 2012 23:38:26 UTC+2, JoeCodeswell ha 
>>>>>> scritto:
>>>>>>> Dear Niphlod,
>>>>>>> Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try that.
>>>>>>> I also answered my own question about where are the old versions. 
>>>>>>> The last 1.99.x version looks to be 1.99.7 and is found 
>>>>>>> here<>. 
>>>>>>> Thanks for all the help, everyone. It's a great community and a 
>>>>>>> great framework.
>>>>>>> Love and peace,
>>>>>>> Joe
>>>>>>> On Thursday, September 27, 2012 2:29:56 PM UTC-7, Niphlod wrote:
>>>>>>>> it's not a web2py issue, you are having issues with the new 
>>>>>>>> scaffolding app and the css running on it.
>>>>>>>> Just copy the welcome app folders "views" and "static" of 1.99.2 
>>>>>>>> over the app you are developing on 2.0.9 .
>>>>>>>> On Thursday, September 27, 2012 11:16:21 PM UTC+2, JoeCodeswell 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Dear web2py folks,
>>>>>>>>> Here's one last thing. I have one more windows XP SP3 machine. It 
>>>>>>>>> has a web2py [Version 1.99.2 (2011-09-26 06:55:33) stable] running on 
>>>>>>>>> it. I 
>>>>>>>>> made a new simple application called "forms" and changed:
>>>>>>>>> 1. models/          to be the same as in my original post - 
>>>>>>>>> way up at the top.   
>>>>>>>>> 2. models/               to be the same as in my original 
>>>>>>>>> post - way up at the top. 
>>>>>>>>> 3.     to be the same as in my original 
>>>>>>>>> post - way up at the top. 
>>>>>>>>> *Result*.
>>>>>>>>> All the *menus and sub-menus show up and work just fine* for *both 
>>>>>>>>> Firefox and Opera*. Please see the screen shots.
>>>>>>>>> So I have the following questions. 
>>>>>>>>> How can I revert to  web2py [Version 1.99.2 (2011-09-26 06:55:33) 
>>>>>>>>> stable on my other machines so I can continue to develop my app while 
>>>>>>>>> this 
>>>>>>>>> menu issue is being resolved in version 2.0.9? Where can I download 
>>>>>>>>> this or 
>>>>>>>>> a later more stable 1.99.x version of web2py?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for all the help.
>>>>>>>>> Love and peace,
>>>>>>>>> Joe


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