Well, what are you seeing when you go to the url yourself?

On Thursday, October 11, 2012 2:22:03 AM UTC-7, Timo W wrote:
> Hey,
> I want to call a function that I defined in the Controller from javascript 
> via AJAX. When the function returns a string everything is perfect, but 
> when it returns
> a dict, I get always this error:
> *404 - NOT FOUND
> web2py_error:invalid view (default/getValuesFromFile.html)*
> My code looks like this:
> jQuery("#tabs").bind("tabsselect", function(e, tab) {
>          url = "{{=URL('default', 'indexToSession')}}";
>          $.ajax({                 //send current index to server
>           type: "POST",
>           url: url,
>           data: { currentTabIndex: tab.index}
>         }).done(function( msg) {
>             alert(msg);      // this works, as indexToSession only returns 
> a string
>             url = "{{=URL('default', 'getValuesFromFile')}}";
>             $.ajax({                 //get Data to plot
>               type: "POST",
>               url: url
>             }).done(function( data) {
>                 alert(data['names']; // this doesn't work
>             });
>         });
> });
> And my controller looks like this:
> def getValuesFromFile():
> [...]
> return dict(title = title, names = name)
> def indexToSession():
> session.tabindex = int(request.vars.currentTabIndex)
> return session.tabindex
> I don't get the point why it is not working with dict's. I have tried it 
> also with the jQuery- Method $.getJSON( ...) and $.get(...) but nothing 
> worked.
> Can someone give me a hint, why this is not working.
> Would be great!


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