Hi ,

 I have one specific problem in grid UI which describes below:

 I am having one table called “device_config_info”:








And corresponding controller function which will generates grid view:


def device():


    query=(*db*.device_config_info.mac_id == mac_id)

    grid = *SQLFORM*.grid(query)

    return locals()

Here, get_mac_id() function will return the gateway mac id registered for 
the logged-in user.

This function will lists all devices info which are registered by a 
particular user,and  we can see set of buttons like View,Edit,Delete,Add 
etc… and upon clicking on these buttons, everything is working as expected 
except Add button.

When I click on Add button it displays Screen with all fields of  
device_config_info table where user can fill the info and create new record 
but here I am facing problem regarding mac_id.

In this screen, problem is Mac Id is displaying as “None”, please note that 
This field is disabled on UI and on database level it has made as Writable 
= False. I want to display the mac id for the user who has currently logged 
in, so how can I pass and display mac id on the screen upon click of Add 
button on the Grid view?Means, when user clicks on Add button on grid view 
,somehow I need to display the mac_id to the mac_id field of Add screen.

Second problem is : How can I make “Email Ids” field to accept only email 
ids and maximum number of email ids should be allowed to enter is 5?

Please help me resolve this issue.




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