hello one and all,

i am trying to load the scipy package into one of my apps under web2py 
2.2.1 on centos 6.3.  when i load it, like via "from scipy import 
optimize", under pure python command line, it loads very quickly.  however, 
when i try to load it under a web2py controller it takes a huge amount of 
time.  web2py seems to need to load a new instance with each session 
because when a new user tries to access the site, it takes that long again, 
even after web2py has been running and the library is loaded.  most times 
something times out before it is loaded and the whole thing comes crashing 
down.  however, once it is loaded it all runs very smooth and very fast, 
even the scipy functionality.

any suggestions to make scipy load much quicker under web2py?

thanx in advance, lucas


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