Unless you enabled track_changes(True) this should not be the case. The 
package should only be loaded once. Where did you put the package?

On Thursday, 1 November 2012 06:32:28 UTC-5, lucas wrote:
> hello one and all,
> i am trying to load the scipy package into one of my apps under web2py 
> 2.2.1 on centos 6.3.  when i load it, like via "from scipy import 
> optimize", under pure python command line, it loads very quickly.  however, 
> when i try to load it under a web2py controller it takes a huge amount of 
> time.  web2py seems to need to load a new instance with each session 
> because when a new user tries to access the site, it takes that long again, 
> even after web2py has been running and the library is loaded.  most times 
> something times out before it is loaded and the whole thing comes crashing 
> down.  however, once it is loaded it all runs very smooth and very fast, 
> even the scipy functionality.
> any suggestions to make scipy load much quicker under web2py?
> thanx in advance, lucas


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