Hi Tim -

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 5:22 PM, Tim Michelsen

> Thanks for the discussion.
> *snip!*
> >
> > For sphinx-doc, best way to start contributing is in the wiki - please
> > join in!
> * many functions of the core are not documented with docstrings.
> * would web2py community entertain a Sphinx effort?

We have decided on one - the general idea was:

- RST wiki (rst processing needs some help, but Massimo put it up quickly)
- Sphinx book, which would organize, take the best from Wiki (and have
section leads)
- docstring updates of source tree (the next immediate step we have asked

PyCon sort of slowed me (at least) down.

web2py Sphinx doc I think will be hosted on bitbucket - we noticed the
planned move of Python itself to mercurial, and this is where Sphinx and
some sphinx books are.

We have discussed moving web2py and web2conf from launchpad to bitbucket
also (I have eternal trouble uploading and downloading from launchpad - from
behind a VPN, "nosmart+..."  protocol only occaisionally solves a problem;
about 1/3 of the time I am still blocked from making downloads, and mostly I
"live" behind a VPN.  For uploading, I can never get it to work from behind
the VPN, and when I do get it to work otherwise, ... I won't even go into
how much of a nusiance it is... I hate the experience, had a hard  time
being able to upload anything for PyCon, so I am a BIG fan personally of
moving to bitbucket).

I think I'll move web2conf first, then create a sphinx-doc repository.  We
talked w/ Massimo about scheduling a web2py move after the semester is over
(sometime early June).

>     * I have successfully documented my scripts with it!
> I could help with my experiences. It's easy. I was using the numpy doc
> standards
> (
> http://projects.scipy.org/numpy/wiki/CodingStyleGuidelines#docstring-standard
> )

Glad to have you help!  Grab a copy of web2py, and start!  I suggest you
keep a current copy on launchpad for now - make a branch - if you keep this
current, others can pitch in easily.

If you prefer, you can just _start_ by doing this on bitbucket.   Send me an
email and we can talk about it some more.

> * may you please use SEO URLs in the wiki?

Good idea!  Can you send in a patch?

> BTW, I see that the wiki supports rst formatted text.
> I have some questions on this:
> * will the functionality be added to core?

it might make it into gluon/contrib someday (as markdown is there)... but
the simple rest.py module you point to needs some work first...  when it
feels mature, it will be considered.

> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mdipierro/web2py-wiki/trunk/annotate/head%3A/models/rest.py<http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Emdipierro/web2py-wiki/trunk/annotate/head%3A/models/rest.py>
> * why is this file in the models subdirectory?

for convenience - each request loads all the model files, so rest is thus
available for the controllers (along with the models).   It really could be
in modules, and then imported everywhere it might be needed....

> * how do I parse the docstrings of a action with rst to document my
> applications in view?

not sure - you might want to look at the sphinx autodoc extension; see

>        * I want to use this as
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colophon_(publishing)<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colophon_%28publishing%29>
>             to document once and use twice (in internet and external
> documentation)

Let us know - this would be useful to have in web2py/admin.

> For further rst integration please see also discussions at Sphinx list:
> * further rst integration look at
>     * http://tosh.pl/gminick/gsoc/sphinx/#Techniques
>     *
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.sphinx.devel/1943/focus=1947
> Kind regards,
> Timmie

Thanks for your comments, Timmie!

- Yarko

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