
I've written a small flex client to test my amfrpc service. It works
fine in web2py, but not in gae.

The gae log shows
INFO     2009-04-21 03:24:55,043 dev_appserver.py] "POST /cuecut/
projects/call/amfrpc HTTP/1.1" 200 -

which seems normal, but my function is not firing. Could someone
verify? After running the flex app and Create Project form will
display with 5 fields. Just click submit to verify that it contacts
the service and calls function f(a,b,c). It should just concatenate
the hardcoded values and return <project_id>onetwothree</project_id>


My controller function:
# usage: projects/call/xml/f/a/b/c
def f(a,b,c):
    print a, b, c
    return a+b+c

My mxml code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
                                horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"
                                backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" backgroundAlpha="0">

<mx:Form label="Login">

<mx:FormItem label="Create Project"/>
<mx:FormItem label="name:">
        <mx:TextInput id="name_txt"/>
<mx:FormItem label="description:">
        <mx:TextInput id="description_txt"/>
<mx:FormItem label="summary:">
<mx:TextInput id="summary_txt"/>
<mx:FormItem label="type:">
        <mx:TextInput id="type_txt"/>
<mx:FormItem label="owner_id:">
        <mx:TextInput id="owner_id_txt"/>

<mx:FormItem horizontalAlign="right" paddingBottom="10">
        <mx:Button label="Submit" click="submit(event)"/>

<mx:Text id="status_txt" textAlign="center" fontWeight="bold"
                 width="250" height="100"/>

                        import flash.net.NetConnection;
                        import flash.net.Responder;

                        // Gateway connection object
                private var gateway:NetConnection;

                        // submit action
                public function submit( event:MouseEvent ): void
                        var name:String = name_txt.text;
                        var description:String = description_txt.text;
                        var summary:String = summary_txt.text;
                        var type:String = type_txt.text;
                        var owner_id:String = owner_id_txt.text;

                    // Setup connection
                    gateway = new NetConnection();

                    // Connect to gateway
                    gateway.connect( "http://localhost:8000/app/controller/

                    // Set responder property to the object and methods that
will receive the
                    // result or fault condition that the service returns.
                    var responder:Responder = new Responder( onResult,
onFault );

                    // Call remote service.method: call(function. responder,
param1, param2)
                    gateway.call( "f", responder, 'one', 'two', 'three' );


                // Result handler method
                private function onResult( result:* ): void
                    var myData:String = result;
                    trace( myData );
                    status_txt.text = "Success: data = " + myData;

                // Fault handler method displays error message
                private function onFault( error:* ): void
                    // Notify the user of the problem
                    status_txt.text = "Remoting error:";
                    for ( var d:String in error ) {
                       status_txt.text += error[d] + "\n";


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