Paul I think you will find that you have created a file. The file tuto1.pdf 
will be in your web2py folder which is maybe why you are not seeing it.

if you do


It would put it in the static folder of your application.


On Monday, 19 November 2012 02:30:14 UTC, Paul Rykiel wrote:
> Thank you Peter... i actually got it working, but I have a specific 
> question ... I have been just trying out the PDF creation and the following 
> example works great ... it is simple and I think it will suffice, here is 
> my question ... how do I get it to save to a director and not just display 
> the PDF on the screen? any help you can offer would be great. Regards,
> from gluon.contrib.fpdf import FPDF
> def pdfexp():
>     example = "this is an example"
>     example2 = "this is example 2"
>     pdf=FPDF()
>     pdf.add_page()
>     pdf.set_font('Arial','B',16)
>     pdf.cell(40,10, example)
>     pdf.add_page()
>     pdf.set_font('Arial','B',16)
>     pdf.cell(40,10, example2)
>     pdf.output('tuto1.pdf','F')
>     return'tuto1.pdf'))
> On Sunday, November 18, 2012 3:39:44 AM UTC-6, peter wrote:
>> Paul here is a reply to your pyfpdf question.
>> I think the best way to use pyfpdf with web2py is not to install pyfpdf, 
>> but to include it in your application. So download the source file. Put all 
>> the .py files in the modules folder of your application. Copy the font 
>> folder into the modules folder of your app. Remember to restart web2py to 
>> allow the changes in the module folder to filter through. This works for me 
>> and I find pyfpdf pretty good. 
>> Peter
>> On Tuesday, 13 November 2012 23:28:59 UTC, Paul Rykiel wrote:
>>> Hi just learning WEB2py and I have a question:
>>> why do i get an error on this code
>>> **** This code errors out, but when I replace "tag_no" with 1 for 
>>> record id 1, it works, also the variable "tag_no" has a 1 as a value when i 
>>> type in an argument 1 on the end of the URL *
>>> def tag():
>>>     tag_no = request.args(0) 
>>>     Title = "For Sale"
>>>   *  Rows = db(   *
>>>     for row in Rows:
>>>          serial = row.serial
>>>          make = row.make
>>>          model = row.model
>>>          size = row.size
>>>          color = row.color
>>>          style =
>>>          date_of_receipt = row.date_of_receipt
>>>          repairs = row.repairs_done
>>>          price = row.price
>>>     return locals()


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