You mention using SQLFORM.factory -- do you actually store the record in a 
db table, does that db table name match the name at the beginning of the 
filename, and is the 'image' field definition in the model for that table 
the same as the field definition you're using in SQLFORM.factory? It might 
help if you show all of the relevant model and controller code.


On Thursday, December 6, 2012 8:33:10 AM UTC-5, Daniele wrote:
> I noticed that I am missing upload=URL('download') in my SQLFORM.factory, 
> so I added that in there but it's still not working.
> I double checked the image name and you were right, I don't know how I 
> must have mistakenly deleted that part but it was indeed 
> "[table_name].[field_name].[rand_string]"
> I can't think of why else this is not working...I am following the web2py 
> book verbatim...
> On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 3:06 AM, Anthony < 
> <javascript:>>wrote:
>> Hmm for some reason it's not working for me. I took a look at the source 
>>> code and this is the HTML that is being generated:
>>> <img src="/download/image.**a6e29a6f36771685.**e58699e79c9f2e4a5047.JPG" />
>>> And this is what I have in my view that is generating that code:
>>> {{=IMG(_src=URL('default', 'download', args=row.image))}}
>>> so it seems to be taking the 'download' directory and looking for the 
>>> image there, but as aforementioned, I've set the directory for these images 
>>> to be in:
>>> Field('image', 'upload', uploadfolder=os.path.join(**
>>> request.folder,'uploads/**profiles/')
>> No, the URL /download/image... does not imply web2py is looking the the 
>> "download" directory. Remember, URLs do not map to directories (with the 
>> exception of static files). In web2py, URLs always map to applications, 
>> controllers, and functions. In your URL, it looks like the application and 
>> controller are excluded, so "download" will be interpreted by web2py as the 
>> function, and then the filename will be interpreted as request.args(0). 
>> This URL will call the download() function in, which will 
>> ultimately call, db), and that function will pull 
>> the filename from request.args(0).
>> There is a problem with the filename, though. It starts with "image", 
>> which appears to be the field name, but it should actually start with 
>> "[table_name].[field_name]". I'm not sure how that could have happened. Do 
>> you have the same problem with new images that you upload? Do their 
>> filenames start with the table name, or just with "image"?
>> Anthony
>> -- 


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