We are considering using web2py because it offers strong access control and 
user session management.  

Our first application is not database-heavy and so db issues are not an 
issue.  Performance is important but should be fine with Nginx:

a. Why isn't Nginx configuration included in the web2py book?  Lighttpd is 
included but their code hasn't been updated in nearly two years.

For our 2nd application, performance is important:

b. Is gevent supported in web2py with monkey-patching?  If so, is there a 
reference to it?
c. Is it possible to turn off the things that make web2py slower eg. 
session management, db etc. to provide a 'raw' web2py (+ gevent + nginx) 
whose only purpose is to take http requests and return data ie. no session 
management, access control or db access?


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