Thanks, that solved the callback problem. now I just have to figure
how to update part of the index.html view.

On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Niphlod <> wrote:
> use the power, Luke!
> you have something like this
> A(TAG.i(_class="icon-thumbs-up"), _rel="tooltip", _title="you like this",
> _class="btn", _href=URL("plus",
> and you can turn it into a callback using
> A(TAG.i(_class="icon-thumbs-up"), _rel="tooltip", _title="you like this",
> _class="btn", callback=URL("plus",
> On Saturday, December 8, 2012 3:42:49 PM UTC+1, jonas wrote:
>> Hi
>> I still have some problems with callbacks. I have a like button that is in
>> my index.html view that add 1 to a database, then displays it:
>> <a class="btn" href={{=URL("plus",}} rel="tooltip"
>> title="you like this"><i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i></a>
>> I want to call the plus function as a callback to avoid render another
>> view, i.e I want to render the result in the index view, but I don't know
>> how to replace  it in the above format. I also have to send the id to the
>> callback.
>> the function:
>> def plus():
>>     """ add or subtract likes """
>>     print "called",request.args(0)
>>     db(
>>     db.commit()
>>     #    redirect(URL('index'))
> --


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