10 for the long and detailed answer.

Couple of things:

1. I've been using web2py in production in my workplace for almost 3 years 
now, and "admire tha hell outa it". That said, it's not a 'toy' for me. 
It's a workplace-production tool, and I treat it as such. I appreciate 
web2py's origins and main vision of Massimo for it to facilitate learning 
for kids and simplifying and streamlining the learning-curve for building 
web-apps. I'm with him all the way (and then some...) regarding kids 
learning to program. However, when it comes to my own production work, I 
expect it to be there for me just as much. I can, by all means, run node.json 
all the my dev machines, and even on some server for CI stuff (testing, 
build-processes, reporting, etc.). I just thought that with these python 
modules integrated, some of that work could also be streamlined and 
integrated. Say, integrate it with web2py's existing "cron" and/or the 
job-queue stuff.

2. Obviously I didn't think that transpiling in the production-environment 
server is a good idea. But from what I gather, it's not an "either/or 
scenario"... Some aspects are better done on the (local) server in 
development-mode, even though it's theoretically possible to do it on the 
client. I know how to use less.js and coffescript.js, but many say that 
it's a bad idea, especially for debugging. Tools integration may solve some 
of that, for example,  having your coffeescript "watched" 
(auto-compiled-on-save) in your IDE, may have additional "js-lint"ingbenefits 
on-the-fly. The 
transpiler itself is a form of 'lint'er as it can detect syntax errors that 
are only detectable in transpiling-time. Having a browser-extension for 
debugging DSLs is also an exciting possibility, but were not quite there 
yet, afaik. In any case, having DSL files 'watched', is an important asset 
to have in development, and it's a "complementary-feature to" and not a 
"substitution for" the browser-reload feature (that is solved nicely by 
web2py's static-assets). In fact, browser-auto-reload functionality already 
exists as browser-extension (at least for chrome), and it wouldn't work 
very well, I guess, without static-assets. But what I mean is, I think that 
in the long run, I should not be expected to tun 2 different servers on 
every dev-machine, just for transpiling, especially when there are these 
python modules just standing there mocking me... :)


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