Thanks very much. This gives me a very good hold to understand web2py 
internals at my pace, understanding the internal workings step by step. 
Can someone explain the workflow in greater details than what is available 
in the web2py 4th edition (Chapter: THE CORE page 137). ?

One of you who have indepth understanding of the framework - if you could 
try to explain its internal process, Example of what i am looking for : 
What happens from the time someone makes a webpage request from the browser 
-- what objects are created in memory ... how the user inputs in forms are 
automatically processed by web2py,... how these objects are available to 
the user for modification through the controller code,... how the final 
response object is created and rendered as html back to the browser...

((For example, i was trying to set a break point in the view code 
layout.html, but this is never reached and i think this is because the view 
is not directly executed as it is html+python but some other web2py python 
code is text processing this view code and generating pure python code 
which then gets executed..... This took quite some time and digging iinto 
the web2py book to figure out... Also , i am new to web development and 
don't have the correct basic instincts to yet know what to expect and what 
not :-))

I really want to understand more internal workings.... I am sure i will 
make use of the debugger and try to uncover these details one by one... But 
a documentation from the experts who created web2py would be of immense 
value to me and reduce my learning time.... 

I love web2py not just for its simplicity but more importantly for its 
wonderful support by people like you -- Thank you very much.


On Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:18:44 PM UTC-6, rochacbruno wrote:
> FYK.
> I just tested the new WingIDE 4.1 with web2py for debugging and it is just 
> awesome!
> **maybe we can try to include this in the documentation
> Take a look at breakpoints, Stack data, debug probe and documentation on 
> the right panel!
> [image: Inline image 1]


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