The pdf/printed book style is based on 


On Saturday, 22 December 2012 17:40:20 UTC-6, Kostas M wrote:
> Ok, I will try to show what I mean, since these things it is kind of 
> personal choice, and I am not a dtp designer, but still...
> I have attached two views (pdf book, and on-line) of the same page of the 
> documentation. My comments are:
>    - The Header and sub-header of the online version consume less space, 
>    and are more discernible at the same time. Many times as I am searching 
> for 
>    a specific sub-header in the printed book, I miss to locate its place 
>    quickly. The printed sub-headers  try to denote their presence by the use 
>    of *italics*, which usually are meant to distinct special words. In 
>    the online version, subheaders are much more distinguishable, through much 
>    *larger font**, and the use of bold*.
>    - The font used on the online version is much more 'friendly', and 
>    computer  oriented. Versus the printed font, which reminds me formal law 
>    letters...
>    - The space around the code examples in the online version is bigger, 
>    giving 'breathing space' to the eye. Note also that the code has more 
> space 
>    horizontally (among the letters), which resembles more the real console 
>    input view. Compare for instance the -i 127.0.01 -p 8000 between the 
>    printed and online versions.
> I hope I made my point clear..


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