Hi Andrew,

Thanks for your reply.

On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 9:01 PM, Andrew <andrew.replo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So if you don't want to use the above two git statements, you also need to
> copy the following for starters:
>    1.) application  from github project to <your-project>/wsgi/
>    2.) .openshift   from github project to <your-project>/
>    3.) setup.py    from github project to <your-project>/
>    4.) libs/gluon   from github project to <your-project>/libs   (also
> make sure gluon is symlinked from <your-project>/wsgi/web2py/gluon ->
> <your-project>/libs/gluon
> Try that and redo your git add . from the project root, commit and push
> and let me know how it goes.

Followed the steps, however same issue. The welcome page is coming.

I'll once again explain what I have :

1) I have created an rhc app named web2py.
2) After that I have moved all the contents where I did localhost app
development. So those are the files of web2py official source with my
application residing next to the welcome or admin app inside application
3) So the web2py folder I created using rhc has everything.
4) Now I'm pushing this to red hat open shift. I also did the changes said

Structure of rhc app directory on my system :

             /web2py(rhc created folder)/
                                                    /(web2py official
source including my application)

I'm terribly doing something bad.

Thank You and Warm Regards,

Chetan Arvind Patil,


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