Am Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2013 00:20:02 UTC+1 schrieb DenesL:
> On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 8:24:01 AM UTC-5, Gerd wrote:
>> Hi Annet and DenesL!
>> @DenesL: Yes, did restart it, nothings changed
> True. Note that the input will show HH:MM:SS until you click on it, then 
> it becomes HH:MM.

Thats what i described in the starting thread 

>> @Annet: Thanks you very much, you got it
>> regards
>> Gerd
>> Am Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2013 13:31:24 UTC+1 schrieb Annet:
>>> Hi Gerd,
>>> So if i understand this right there is no possibility to change the 
>>>> representation in an update form?
>>> Yes, besides, I am not sure whether IS_TIME() has a format property like 
>>> IS_DATE() and IS_DATETIME() have.
>>> In 2009 it hadn't, and Chris helped me solve the problem as follows:
>>> In
>>> istime = dict(type='time',requires=IS_TIME(error_message=T('no match 
>>> HH:MM')),widget=timeplain,comment=T('Format HH:MM'))
>>> Field('startTime',**istime),
>>> Field('endTime',**istime),
>>> In a module:
>>> def timeplain(field,value): 
>>>     if value == None: 
>>>         value = ''
>>>     elif 'strftime' in dir(value):
>>>         value = value.strftime('%H:%M') 
>>>     id = '%s_%s' % (field._tablename, 
>>>     return INPUT(_type='text',_id=id,_class='time_plain',_name=
> The only caveat here is that you will not be using jQuery.timeEntry, 
> unless you change the class to just 'time'.
> You can also do:
> widget=lambda field,value: SQLFORM.widgets.time.widget(field, 
> value.strftime('%H:%M') if value else '')
> but you still need to add {showSeconds:false} to .timeEntry in web2py.js
I see, thank you very much DenesL 

>>> and in case you need it, in a view:
>>>   {{=table.startTime.strftime("%H:%M")}}
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Annet


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