So... this is supposed to be installable as an app within web2py, right?

It's not a w2p file, so I can't install it directly as a package file.  I 
tried renaming the original zip file I downloaded to a .w2p extension, 
nada.  Tried extracting and then repackaging as a .tar.gz file... nada. 
 Tried renaming *that* as a .w2p file... which finally installed, but as 
soon as I tried opening the application from web2py, I got a page saying 
controller (default/index)"

Trying to install directly from git appears to require 'gitpython', which I 
installed (via git), but web2py still complains about it being 'not 
available or incompatible version' (running python 2.7.3, git 1.7.10, 
web2py 2.3.2, on Ubuntu 12.10).

Any other suggestions?


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