
On 05/03/13 02:05, howesc wrote:
i'm no longer using cloudSQL as i don't need it anymore....but several
months ago when i was using it i got weird and varied problems on GAE
when i had exceeded my billing quota on could SQL.  have you checked
that those SQL instances are running and billing up to date?

I do have billing enabled, but am currently on a (temporarily) free D0 instance. Interesting that the problem kicked in less than an hour after the start of the month though...

Having said that, I'm able to access the db perfectly via dbVisualiser to work with it directly.

The majority of the errors suggest it is running out of time or resources before it ever makes a db connection.

However, tinkering with a 2nd (empty) db against the same app it did briefly burst into life, which made me wonder whether a failed migration earlier in the day was involved. I can't see it really, because it never seems to get as far as a connection with the production db.

This is in part the reason for my other question about using the datastore form web2py's "system" stuff - I found myself wondering how e.g. "fake_migrate_all" could work if the pickles were in the affected db.

I have to say, Google seem to be in denial about some of the issues on GAE - some people (mostly but not exclusively on Java) have recently suffered non-trivia performance / latency / timeout issues, and the silence from the App Engine team is deafening...




e: p...@xfr.co.uk - m: 07775 796 747

'work as if you lived in the early days of a better nation'
- alasdair gray


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