
I was hoping someone could help me understand what I'm doing wrong.

For some reason, in my SQLFORM.factory created form, even though I had 
specified formstyle='divs'  and everything else was inside divs, my radio 
buttons were still being rendered inside a table.

Which I found odd since in sqlhtml.RadioWidget code one can see:

        #widget style
        wrappers = dict(
            table=(TABLE, TR, TD),
            ul=(DIV, UL, LI),
            divs=(CAT, DIV, DIV)
        parent, child, inner = wrappers[attributes.get('style', 'table')]

On closer inspection the attributes to the widget were always going empty. 
After losing a bit of time trying to understand why, I decided to do this 
hammertime style code

from functools import partial  # HAMMERTIME!
divs_radio_widget = partial(SQLFORM.widgets.radio.widget, style='divs')

And this is what I used as a widget. Which solved the problem, of course, 
but I would like to know why isn't the widget getting the style, is it by 
design or something I may be doing wrong?


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