I've been working on a news-video iPad app (awards and everything! featured by 
Apple! brag!) that uses web2py for a back-end server, maintaining a database of 
videos &c and serving them up to the app via JSONRPC. web2py also implements 
our internal curation UI to the database.

web2py has been a great solution for us because it solves a bunch of different 

1. it automatically updates our video feeds from their native sources
2. it acts as our analytics collection point and does some first-stage analysis
3. it serves the app with auth services, video meta-data, etc
4. it hosts a dynamic page to share videos publicly on the web
5. it implements our internal curation UI

...all with a single framework, and surprisingly little code. web2py rules.

I'd like to hear from other projects with a foot in both the iOS and web2py 
camps, with a general interest in comparing notes, exchanging tips & gossip, 

(We're also building our development team. I'd appreciate referrals of 
experienced developers with those skills, preferably but not absolutely 
necessarily both, who might like to work on a project like that. Drop me a note 
and I'll tell you more off-list. We're in Silicon Valley, but are open to 
remote developers.)


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