1. I do not have any experience with HostMonster. If they give you root 
access to a Linux (hopefully Ubuntu) shell it should be straightforward to 
install web2py (using the instructions from the book). It seems that this 
option has the most unknowns for you.

2. PythonAnywhere allows you to have custom domains if you buy their Web 
Developer account ($12/month -- https://www.pythonanywhere.com/pricing/). 
They seem to be very responsive (active in user forums and blogs) and 
should be able to walk you through any issues you encounter -- probably the 
best option for you if you have limited experience. However over the last 
few weeks of using them, I have found their servers to be unresponsive at 
times (usually resolves itself within a 10-15 minutes). I'm on the free 
account though, their paid account claims more bandwidth.

3. Google App Engine also supports custom domains. You will have to first 
sign up for a Google Apps for Business (
http://www.google.com/intl/en/enterprise/apps/business/) account - once you 
log in, you can go into domain settings and verify that you have ownership 
of the custom domain you are claiming (
then you can set the rest of it up using the instructions at 
https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/domain . The cost will 
probably come out to around what the PythonAnywhere account costs.

Does your app need SSL? If so, Google App Engine may not work - SSL on 
custom domain costs up to $40/month. If that is within your budget, it 
seems the most stable/supported of your options.

If that is too much, PythonAnywhere offers SSL, but you will have to work 
with them via email/forums/phone (they need to install stuff manually for 
you when I checked last).

On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:43:55 PM UTC-4, jjg0 wrote:
> Hi Everyone
> I've been asked to replace a site for someone who currently has an account 
> and domain with hostmonster. I made a demo for them they like with web2py 
> and put it on google app engine. Aside from playing around with gae I've 
> never actually deployed a web2py site.  Pythonanywhere seems like it would 
> be the ideal option, in fact I probably should have been using them from 
> the beginning.  But since everything I made is on gae and their current 
> site is on hostmonster, it might be too late to consider pythonanywhere.  
> For people who have experience deploying web2py, which route do you think 
> would be easier given what I currently have to work with and how would I go 
> about getting everything set up?
> 1.  Just use their hostmonster account, in which case I have no idea how 
> to get web2py working with them but hostmonster claims to support python.  
> I'm guessing this would require the most work
> 2.  Create a pythonanywhere account and upload the site there, then 
> somehow use their current domain name they have with hostmonster?  Is that 
> even possible?  If so, how?
> 3.  Stay on google app engine since the site is already up and running and 
> working.  Then somehow start using their domain name with hostmonster 
> instead of the generic www.mygmail.appspot.com?  I've looked into this 
> but it doesn't seem possible to do so.   I found some tutorials that let 
> you register a subdomain with google and use that, (register mysubdomain 
> and have www.mygmail.mysubdomain.com and play with the settings to 
> eventually use www.mysubdomain.com) but I haven't found anything that 
> lets you use a domain you already own from another company.
> Despite how clueless I am with actually launching  a site, the guy who 
> owns this business is very computer illiterate and said I can go whatever 
> route I think is best. (He foolishly assumes what I think is best and what 
> actually is best are the same!) The only requirement is that the domain 
> name for the site he owns stays the same. I think this part is what I'm 
> really hung up on at the moment. 
> Although I did make a demo site for them I wasn't planning on actually 
> replacing their current site for a while, but for whatever reason they 
> suddenly asked me to switch their site asap.  I'm not a professional web 
> developer and I'm not actually getting paid, so I'm a little unprepared:(  
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks so much!


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