Keep us posted. I do not believe this to be a web2y problem but even if it 
is an apache issue, I would like tot know what's causing it.

On Sunday, 19 May 2013 08:20:16 UTC-5, Andriy wrote:
> I`ve added this lines in before responder(status, rheaders) and 
> printing out *rheaders*:
> ...
> *with open('d:\content_type.txt', 'a') as content_log:
>     content_log.write(str([h for h in rheaders if 
> h[0]=='Content-Type'])+'\n')*
> responder(status, rheaders)
> ...
> All headers in .txt file look normal, like:
> [('Content-Type', 'text/css')]
> [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]
> [('Content-Type', 'text/css')]
> [('Content-Type', 'text/css')]
> etc
> But as I wrote in previous messages there is no problem now, so maybe that 
> is what I should see - normal headers. I have no idea how to trigger this 
> problem again. But if it returns, I will surely make such *content_type.txt 
> *log and write here results.
> Thank you.


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