1) Do not do .sys.path.append(...) in a controller. it is not thread safe 
and you will end up with a memory leak.
2) You should use processing.Popen('external script') you can cache in ram 
the resulting object.

On Monday, 8 July 2013 14:20:56 UTC-5, pratt wrote:
> *
> *
> *I would like to run the external python script testQEF when the button 
> on the html page is clicked.The below code is my html page*
> index.html
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
> <p>Please Enter the old Modcod</p>
> <form>
> <INPUT type="text" id="q" name = "q" value=""/>
> <INPUT type="button" value="Run Test"
>        onclick="ajax('{{=URL('data')}}',['q'],'target');"/>
> </form>
> <br/>
> <div id="target"></div>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The below code is my controller default.py
> # coding: utf8
> # try something like
> import threading
> import time
> import sys
> sys.path.append('C:/Users/pratt/Workspace_Eclipse/Copy of 
> MasterSolution_COPY')
> *# I am importing the external python script  using sys,path*
> import testQEF
> a = 0
> heyo = 'zero'
> def index():
>     return dict(toobar=response.toolbar())
> def data():
>     if not session.m or len(session.m)==20: session.m=[]
>     if request.vars.q: session.m.append(request.vars.q)
>     session.m.sort()
> *#  starting the thread to run my external python script*
>     h.start()
>     return TABLE(*[TR(v) for v in session.m]).xml()
>     #return dict(toobar=response.toolbar())
>     #hey = wut()
> *# I have created a class to create the thread*
> class testrun(threading.Thread):
>     def __init__(self):
>         threading.Thread.__init__(self)
>     def run(self):
>         #heyo = 'heyo'
>         #self.newtest = 'hey new test'
>         #if a == 0:
>          #   response.flash=T("you have run the thread a successfully")
>         #time.sleep(10)
>         #response.flash=T("you have run the thread a unsuccessfully")
>         testQEF.testFunc(999,
>             9,
>             0.9,
>             100000000,
>             30.0,
>             0.0,
>             0.1,
>             "",
>             3,
>             3,
>             1,
>             2,
>             str("C:/testdir/webservertest"))
> *#Initiating the Thread       *
> h = testrun()
> def returnA(): return 'A'
> class wut():
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.foo = 'B'
> *I cannot run my external python script when I click the button and also 
> When  I do this the server is freezing.I am new to Web2py,Could Anyone help 
> me in this Regard.I need solution as soon as possible.* 


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