
On 03/12/13 03:16, ID wrote:
> I'm trying to setup web2py on Appengine, admin and example app works
> but, most of the apps under appliances wont work out of the box and
> issues a ticket..  in particular i'm interested to setup a little forum
> with pyforum2, that too does not work and issues a ticket. :(

Can you tell us what error the ticket gives you? There isn't much to go
on, so far.

There is a section in the book on GAE deployment, which may be useful [1].

The biggest difference between AppEngine and other options is the GAE
datastore, which does not support all of the features available to
web2py with an RDBMS. It may be that the appliance you are using is
configured to use an RDBMS, and that you would need to modify it to use
the GAE datastore.

Alternatively, if your issues is related to this, you may find that
using Google's CloudSQL [2] (e.g. MySQL) is a better option for you.


[2] https://developers.google.com/cloud-sql/





'a bell is a cup...until it is struck'

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