Hello all.

Well I don't understand really how to manage this problem.

I cannot use web2py id's for referencing my brands, I need to use id's from 
another CRM application called "01". So I have in my "brands" table a field 
called "id_01" and in the "products" table a field called "brand_id_01".
When I modify a "products" row in the admin interface I can choose the 
"brand_id_01" by the "brands.name", OK, but when I display the "products" 
table I see the brand_id_01, KO.
Also when I display a SQLFORM.grid from the "products" table I don't see 
the "brands.name" instead of the "brand_id_01".
How I can display the "brands.name" instead of the "brand_id_01" in my 
SQLFORM.grid ?

My db:
                Field('id_01', unique = True),
                Field('code', unique=True),
                Field('brand_id_01', 'reference brands', requires = 
IS_IN_DB(db, db.brands.id_01, '%(name)s')))

My controller:
def products_listing():
    fields = 
    grid = SQLFORM.grid(query, fields=fields)
    return dict(grid=grid)

Thanks a lot for any kind of help.

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