> I cannot use web2py id's for referencing my brands, I need to use id's 
> from another CRM application called "01". So I have in my "brands" table a 
> field called "id_01" and in the "products" table a field called 
> "brand_id_01".

> db.define_table('brands',
>                 Field('id_01', unique = True),
>                 Field('name'),
>                 format='%(names')

Does the "brands" table in the CRM application have an auto-incrementing 
integer field called "id"? If not, then the above table definition is 
incorrect. If "id_01" is an auto-incrementing integer field, then you 
should do:

                Field('id_01', 'id'),

In that case, your reference field in db.products should work fine (you 
don't even need to bother defining the IS_IN_DB validator).

If "id_01" is not an integer field, then you should do:

                Field('id_01', unique=True),

In that case, though, you will only be able to reference db.brands from 
other keyed tables (see 


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