What does the model look like? You amy want to create a single form with 
fields for each user.

On Tuesday, 17 December 2013 05:14:25 UTC-6, Ivo wrote:
> I want to create multiple forms with a 'for' statement and 
> validate/process them.
> the amount of forms to generate is dependent on a list containing user 
> id's.
> the list is dynamic; so I have a function generating a list, 'users', 
> which contains: user:1L, user:4L, etc...
> now I want to create a form for each of them and after 'submit' process 
> them.
> Normally I would just create a form in the controller like:
> def show_form():
>    form = SQLFORM.x()
>    return dict(form=form)
> and process it with:
>    if form.accepts
> however this would only generate one form... 
> using:
> def sow_form():
>     for user in users:
>         form = SQLFORM.x()
>    return dict(form=form) 
> and calling it from the view with {{=form}} doesn't work either because of 
> 'form' being static.
> Creating the form from the view is a lot easier to do with:
> {{for user in users:}}
> (my form)
> {{pass}}
> but how do I process it?
> I can give the form a unique name from the view with name="{{=user}}"
> but then what?
> The form is mostly prepopulated with vars created/calculated from the view 
> but a part of those can be created/calculated from the controller. the 
> form requires a uuid which needed in the processing of the form.
> What is the best way to achieve this?
> would:
> def show_form():
>     for user in users:
>         form[user] = SQLFORM.x()
> work? and how can I populate that form?
> Please point me in the right direction.

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