pack a minimal app to reproduce the behaviour. Without it, we'll just 
provide unuseful hints.

On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 6:32:30 PM UTC+1, EW wrote:
> I have a load component with a button in it that seems to automatically 
> have the focus such that if I go to my URL and press the enter key, that is 
> the button that is triggered.  But, I also have a textbox and a button 
> outside the component.  I would like it so that when you type something in 
> the textbox and press enter, the adjacent button is "clicked."  However, 
> what happens is that the button in the component is "clicked" instead.  
> I tried putting a jquery handler so that on keyup in my textbox, if the 
> keycode is 13 (for enter), the adjacent button will be clicked, but it is 
> not working--upon pressing enter, the component button is being "clicked" 
> immediately such that my jquery handler is never reached.  I know that my 
> jquery handler is correct though because it is reached when I type anything 
> other than enter.
> I also tried just setting the focus on my button when the page loads, 
> which works in that going to the URL and pressing enter triggers it.  
> However, once I click on/type something in the textbox, the focus is 
> returned to that button in the component, so this does not help at all.
> Any ideas?  I am using IE btw.

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