> On Wednesday, February 12, 2014 5:17:02 PM UTC-5, Michele Comitini wrote:
>> run the profiler on the board:
>> Thanks Michelle, those are good tools. They show that my ajax function 
accounts for only 2.6% of the time spent.  The rest is web2py overhead, 
especially dal.define_table(), despite the fact that I have migrate set to 
False.  My ajax function does no db access, so I'm wondering if there's a 
way to tell web2py to skip the db stuff and just run the function and 
render the output.

If not, I suppose I'm going to have to find a way to go around web2py and 
make client-side reads directly from ZeroMQ sockets that are already 
running outside web2py.  That sounds fragile and messy, so hope there's 
another answer.

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