This in layout.html.  Viewing the rendered source in the browser the output 

var dateFormat = "dd mmm yyyy";

Putting T.force('en-us') at the end of models/ didn't not change 

In fact, to take javascript out of the picture I just put a simple T 
statement in the footer of my layout.html:


And added an entry for it in

'!langcode!': 'en-us',
'!langname!': 'English (United States)',
'dd mmm yyyy':'mmm dd, yyyy',
'this-is-a-test': 'PASS'

The output remains: this-is-a-test

I can easily insert an debug breakpoint: import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() if 
that will help examine anything.

On Monday, February 24, 2014 1:27:10 AM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

> This should work. I do not think the problem is in T. Anyway, let's rule 
> that out.
> Where is this, in a HTML file?
> When you look at the source file, is the string "{{=T('dd mmm yyyy')}}") 
> translated?
> What if you add the following to your model?
> T.force('en-us')
> On Sunday, 23 February 2014 23:08:14 UTC-6, User wrote:
>> Sorry I'm not following the relevance of that forum topic.  What I'm 
>> trying to do for example is:
>> I have a date in javascript in a view :
>> var dateFormat = "{{=T('dd mmm yyyy')}}")
>> Later on this will get expanded to for example "20 January 2014".  This 
>> works and the date display as expected.  For the US, I want the date 
>> displayed as "January 20, 2014". So I created a language file with 
>> the following content:
>> {
>> '!langcode!': 'en-us',
>> '!langname!': 'English (United States)',
>> 'dd mmm yyyy':'mmm dd, yyyy'
>> }
>> I restarted web2py.  However, with my browser Accept-Language set to 
>> en-us I still see the date as "20 January 2014".  My full firefox header is:
>> Accept-Language en-us,en;q=0.5
>> What am I missing about how T works?
>> On Sunday, February 23, 2014 8:39:56 PM UTC-5, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>> On Sunday, 23 February 2014 19:06:56 UTC-6, User wrote:
>>>> I have some dates that I want to display in the proper culture specific 
>>>> format.  I want a simple solution so what I want is rather than me having 
>>>> to specify the date format for every possible culture is to use the 
>>>> following default:
>>>> dd-mm-yyyy
>>>> and then specify a handful of exceptions, e.g. for United States:
>>>> mm-dd-yyyy 
>>>> How can I achieve this in web2py where it's switched based on the 
>>>> Accept-Language header?

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