On May29, 3:32pm, annet <annet.verm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I use the comment attribute to mark fields that are required:
> db.rechtsvorm.rechtsvorm.comment=SPAN('*',_class='required')
> The * displays to the right of the input field. However, when I have a
> table that contains an SQLField of type text, all the * move too far
> away from the input field. I wonder whether it is possible to add the
> comment to the second column of the table instead of displaying it in
> the third.
> Kind regards,
> Annet.

It can be done by customizing your own widget, but it seems to be an
overkill. How about just manually append an "(*)" at the end of your
label like this?
  db.Field('rechtsvorm', label='Blah (*)', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY())

By the way, the length of SQLField('foo','text') can be changed by
modifying views/web2py_ajax.html:
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