Usually you do not have to upgrade apps when you upgrade web2py. I can 
think of very few cases when we asked users to do it. In fact I think the 
only case in the last two years is when we asked to replace web2py.js in 
2.8. Moreover we never asked you to change the code. In the case in 
question, we only asked to replace one system file that you are not 
expected to edit anyway.

If I am missing something please let me know. 


On Thursday, 3 April 2014 11:25:21 UTC-5, horridohobbyist wrote:
> Done. However, it didn't fix the issue, although I now see a tiny 
> clickable '+' and '-' right beside the input field for 'Shift:'. I have no 
> idea what that means. Clicking on them does nothing.
> It's also a little disturbing that I have to manually update my apps 
> whenever I upgrade web2py. *This is a disincentive for me to upgrade. My 
> motto is:  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.*
> On Thursday, 3 April 2014 11:55:23 UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
>> While your at it, you may want to copy the controller and 
>> appadmin.html views from the new welcome app into your app.
>> Anthony
>> On Thursday, April 3, 2014 11:54:28 AM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
>>> Unless you explicitly copied the new web2py.js file from 
>>> /welcome/static/js to the /static/js folder of your existing app, then you 
>>> don't have the updated version of web2py.js.
>>> Anthony
>>> On Thursday, April 3, 2014 11:47:15 AM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
>>>> I upgraded to web2py 2.9.4 recently. Unless the upgrade was corrupted, 
>>>> I should be using the correct files. How can I tell if the web2py.js I 
>>>> have 
>>>> is correct or not? There's no identifying information.
>>>> On Thursday, 3 April 2014 11:09:07 UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
>>>>> And you're sure you have the version of web2py.js associated with the 
>>>>> version of web2py you are running, and that it is loaded on the page?
>>>>> On Thursday, April 3, 2014 10:17:58 AM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
>>>>>> db.define_table('products',
>>>>>>                 Field('thumbnail', 
>>>>>> 'upload',uploadfield='image_data',represent=lambda v, r: 
>>>>>> IMG(_src=URL('download',args=v))),
>>>>>>                 Field('image_data', 'blob',readable=False),
>>>>>>                 Field('name',unique=True,represent=lambda v, r: 
>>>>>> A(v,_href=URL('view',args=[db.products,])) + 
>>>>>> XML('<br>'+r.description)),
>>>>>>                 Field('category',represent=lambda v, r: 
>>>>>> DIV(v,_style='width:75px;word-wrap:break-word;')),
>>>>>>                 Field('description','text',represent=lambda v, r: ''),
>>>>>>                 Field('choices','text',readable=False),
>>>>>>                 Field('shift','list:string',readable=False),
>>>>>> I initialize the field with .update(shift=['colour','size'])
>>>>>> When I retrieve the field, I indeed can access the list items. 
>>>>>> However, in admin, I see this:
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> I know the data is in the field. Why can't I see it??
>>>>>> On Thursday, 3 April 2014 09:37:41 UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
>>>>>>> Can we see some code (and maybe a screenshot of what you see)? The 
>>>>>>> default list:string widget requires an up-to-date web2py.js file.
>>>>>>> On Thursday, April 3, 2014 12:23:08 AM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
>>>>>>>> I've added a 'list:string' field to my table, but when adding a new 
>>>>>>>> record from admin (using the new record form), I can't figure out how 
>>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>>> enter the data. I don't understand what format it expects.
>>>>>>>> I tried "['item1','item2']". I tried "|'item1'|'item2'|". They 
>>>>>>>> both don't work.

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