Massimo --

I really don't want to deliver an "I told you so" but somebody needs
to say this.

It's been several months ago when we got some shared community
excitement behind documenting web2py.  It is widely recognized that
the ONLY thing holding web2py back from users is the disheveled and
scattered documentation.  Long message threads ensued and consensus
emerged that we should first build our own wiki codebase in web2py
before we began documenting.

It was claimed that the wiki was almost ready and that it would be
just days before we could all start documenting web2py.  A few of us
bit our tongues and thought "the wiki has no owner and it will not be
finished, therefore we will not get any documentation."

Sadly, the pessimistic view has come to pass.  The wiki never got past
the planning stage, really, and still languishes with no owner and
little prospect of ever being a finished product.  This is what
happens when you try to fight ALL battles on ALL fronts
simultaneously.   Nobody can do everything at once.

The other problem I see is that you are not behind this effort 100%.
You are trying to pawn off the wiki app when you should have been its
ringleader.  I understand your wanting to keep the documentation
official and structured (i.e. no wiki), but without community effort
on this web2py will flounder and fail.

Honestly, if you want web2py to be a success, you should stop
enhancing it and work on getting a community around documenting this
product.  Every time you go on a coding jag and add more features,
your users just fall further behind.  Pretty much all tutorial
information is now wrong.  People are still reading the T2 and T3 docs
not realizing its all changed now.  AlterEgo is filled with ancient
posts as well as current ones, and a novice can't tell the
difference.  Web2py needs documentation worse than ANYTHING ELSE at
this point.

(In my humble opinion, of course.)

-- Joe B.

On May 29, 12:27 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
> I am looking fro somebody to be a mainter of the wiki app and even
> fork it as necessary. Do you want to do it?

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