A word of advice, don't follow buzzword advices before hitting the problem. 
When faced with reality, there were lots of people "putting javascript at 
the bottom" but forgetting that if you transfer them every time (or wait 
for a 304) --> 100x worse.
Also, people "putting at the bottom" don't realize that they are working 
towards - usually - 5 ms improvements. Yep, it's an improvement, but don't 
waste night hours on it.

On Friday, May 9, 2014 12:46:13 AM UTC+2, Joe Barnhart wrote:
> Some folks recommend javascript files be placed at the end of the page to 
> facilitate fast loading. We have the "response.files" idiom that makes it 
> easy to compress and serve the static files, but it with 
> response.include_files() to append the files to the header.  It can't serve 
> both header and footer at present.
> Is there a need to have a new variable which does the same thing, but is 
> defined to be used for scripts in the footer area?  Or is it not really 
> important to load static script files with the end of the page instead of 
> the header?
> -- Joe 

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