Yes, In-fact the data is expected to change once in week. 

Regarding Index on table, I know DAL doesn't provides a direct way of doing 
it, my question is once i have created an index on my table, do i need to 
modify anything in my controller?


On Thursday, May 22, 2014 7:54:54 PM UTC+5:30, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:
>  In addition to this, and assuming that the data doesn't change 
> frequently (days vs minutes), maybe a select-cache, with TTL of 24 hours 
> would help?
> ________________________________________
> Kiran Subbaraman
> On Thu, 22-05-2014 7:39 PM, Anthony wrote:
> First, you can simplify your function as follows:
>  def getResults():
>     tab2results = db(db.Table2.Release == request.vars.release_name).
> select(
>            , db.Table2.Year,
>     return SELECT([OPTION(r.Year, for r in tab2results],
>                   _name='table2_name')
> I assume request.vars.release_name is actually the db.Table1 id field 
> value, not a string name, correct (otherwise, the query won't work)?
> In the above, insert "return BEAUTIFY(db._timings)" before the final 
> return, and call the function directly in a browser tab, with 
> release_name=[some id] in the query string. See how long the above query is 
> taking in that case. If the query itself is taking several seconds, try 
> creating an index on the "Release" field.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, May 22, 2014 9:38:56 AM UTC-4, Sarbjit wrote: 
>>  Below is the snippets from code (I have changed few field names as I 
>> can't share the exact field names)
>> --> Data base
>> db.define_table('Table1',
>>                 Field('Release'),
>>                 format='%(Release)s')
>> db.define_table('Table2',
>>                 Field('Release',db.Table1),
>>                 Field('Year'),
>>                 format='%(Year)s')
>> db.define_table('Table3',
>>                 Field('Manfucturer',writable=False),
>>                 Field('MID'),
>>                 Field('Year',db.Table2,writable=False),
>>                 Field('Engineer'),        
>>                 Field('Location',writable=False),
>>                 Field('Title',writable=False),
>>                 Field('Description','text'),
>>                 Field('City',writable=False))
>> db.Table2.Release.requires = IS_IN_DB(db,,'%(Release)s')
>> db.Table3.Year.requires = IS_IN_DB(db,,'%(Year)s')
>> --> This function is called by AJAX on change of first option in drop down
>> def getResults():
>>     tab2results = 
>> db(db.Table2.Release==request.vars.release_name).select(orderby=~
>>     result = "<select name='table2_name'>"
>>     for tab2 in tab2results:
>>         print tab2
>>         result += "<option value='" + str( + "'>" + tab2.Year + 
>> "</option>"  
>>     result += "</select>"
>>     return XML(result)        
>> No, I don't have an index for the table.
>> On Thursday, May 22, 2014 6:50:02 PM UTC+5:30, Anthony wrote: 
>>> Would still help to see your specific model code. Is the field in 
>>> question a reference field with a "represent" attribute? If so, you'll get 
>>> separate queries for each item in order to lookup the represent value. How 
>>> many records in the table? Do you have an index on the field being 
>>> searched? If you execute the same query in a separate DB client, how long 
>>> does it take?
>>> Anthony
>>> On Thursday, May 22, 2014 8:37:55 AM UTC-4, Sarbjit wrote: 
>>>> Hi Anthony, 
>>>> Code is almost identical to the code posted in slice with change in 
>>>> field names and number of records. Only additonal difference is that I am 
>>>> using "orderby" in the query before returing the results.
>>>> Surprisingly, sometime the result appears fast (within 2-3 seconds) but 
>>>> some time it takes long time to populate it.
>>>> -Sarbjit
>>>> On Thursday, May 22, 2014 4:46:55 PM UTC+5:30, Anthony wrote: 
>>>>> Would help to see some code. 4-5 seconds sounds much too long.
>>>>> You might also look into 
>>>>> Anthony
>>>>> On Thursday, May 22, 2014 12:17:42 AM UTC-4, Sarbjit wrote: 
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I am using cascading drop-down based on the slice posted on "
>>>>>> In my application, the number of sub-records for drop-down are typically 
>>>>>> in 
>>>>>> range of 50-60, so every-time I change the first option in drop down, it 
>>>>>> takes significant time (around 4-5 seconds) to populate my second drop 
>>>>>> down.
>>>>>> I was wondering if there is a way to make this fast by means of 
>>>>>> caching or by storing the data for all the records the first time when 
>>>>>> user 
>>>>>> logs into the system and then using that data. Can some one please 
>>>>>> comment 
>>>>>> on how to address this problem and if possible, an example would be 
>>>>>> helpful.
>>>>>> -Sarbjit
>>>>>      -- 
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