No. At least not in the way web2py uses it.

On Wednesday, 25 June 2014 11:58:01 UTC-5, Cliff Kachinske wrote:
> Massimo,
> I like the way your thoughts are headed.
> doesn't the many2many issue goes away if one uses, for example, MongoDB?
> On Sunday, June 22, 2014 4:45:06 PM UTC-4, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> I added Hypermedia API support to web2py using Collection+JSON. 
>> Experimental.
>> Collection+JSON is a standard for self documenting RESTful API.
>> Read more:
>> Example
>> =========
>> Let's say you have a model:
>>     db.define_table('thing',Field('name'))
>> and in controller you add
>>     def api():
>>          from gluon.contrib.hypermedia import Collection
>>          rules = {
>>                 'thing': {
>>                     'GET':{'query':None,'fields':['id', 'name']},
>>                     'POST':{'query':None,'fields':['name']},
>>                     'PUT':{'query':None,'fields':['name']},
>>                     'DELETE':{'query':None},
>>                }}
>>         return Collection(db).process(request,response,rules)
>> And now by magic your table "thing" is fully exposed using the 
>> Collection+JSON API. The API is self documenting and supports GET, POST, 
>> PUT, DELETE, etc.
>> For example you can do things like:
>> curl
>> curl
>> curl
>> curl 
>> curl -X POST -d name="Box"
>> curl -X PUT -d name="Chair"
>> ?name=Box
>> curl -X DELETE 
>> The API are completely self documenting as explained here 
>> It is customizable
>> ==============
>>        rules = {
>>                 'thing': {
>>                     'GET':{'query':None,'fields':['id', 'name']},
>>                     'POST':{'query':None,'fields':['name']},
>>                     'PUT':{'query':None,'fields':['name']},
>>                     'DELETE':{'query':None},
>>                }}
>> Let you specify which tables are exposed, which methods are available and 
>> which fields are exposed for each method. The query property lets you 
>> specify optional filters for example  { 
>> 'query''A'),....} will only exposed things 
>> starting with letter A. Fields can be conditional and different for 
>> different users or for the same user in different stages of a workflow (the 
>> communication is stateless, but the server is not).
>> Supports complex queries
>> =====================
>> http:/...../{table}
>> http:/...../{table}/{id}
>> http:/...../{table}?{field}=value
>> http:/...../{table}?{field}.gt=value # field>value
>> http:/...../{table}?{field}.le=value # field<=value
>> ...
>> http:/...../{table}?_orderby={field}
>> http:/...../{table}?_limitby=value
>> http:/...../{table}?_offset=value
>> ...
>> and combinations there of. They are mapped directly into DAL queries. 
>> More examples are in the API response itself.
>> The bigger picture
>> ===============
>> This API provide enough information to generate forms and tables and grid 
>> completely client side. Recently we stumbled against the problem of moving 
>> from Bootstrap 2 to Bootstrap 3 because so much of the form and grid logic 
>> is server side. My plan is to move most of the logic in the JS library and 
>> allow users to customize them  for different CSS frameworks.
>> Eventually (in dreams) I would like to have a very slim framework based 
>> on bottle+dal+validators+auth+collection and have client side only 
>> templates (based on jquery, sugar, and ractive.js) that can generate forms 
>> and grids based the collection API. This framework could ship with web2py 
>> and allow you to program using same web interface that we all love. There 
>> are many design decisions to make to get there. Your suggestions are 
>> welcome.
>> How can you help?
>> ===============
>> 1) test it.
>> 2) there are many existing client side tools for Collection+JSON. Try 
>> them with web2py.
>> 3) blog about it and suggest improvements.
>> I said, it is experimental
>> ===================
>> Collection+JSON has limits:
>> - it is very verbose JSON. This is my my implementation has  compact=True 
>> option that breaks the protocol but makes much smaller JSON messages.
>> - it does not convey field type information and constraints. This is why 
>> I extended to do so but more work is needed because DAL types do not map 
>> into HTML5 input types (this of list:string or list:reference).
>> More extensions of the protocol are required. Extensions are allowed. Yet 
>> they may change the API in the near future.
>> Massimo

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