until the user clicks on "submit", there's no way for web2py (or you) to 
know the name of the file being uploaded beforehand, using a normal input 
type="file". it's just not how the browsers work. 

On Monday, July 14, 2014 7:43:22 PM UTC+2, LoveWeb2py wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to create a popup window that lets the user click okay to continue 
> uploading the file if it already exist in the database.
> I created a separate table which tracks all the files uploaded in the 
> database. I then append that to a list and check if the filename is in 
> there.
> My code looks like this:
> def my_form_processing(form):
>     fileUploadList = []
>     fileToCheck = form.vars.blah.filename
>     filesUploaded = db().select(db.myFileTracker.ALL)
>     for line in filesUploaded:
>       if line.file_name not in fileUploadList:
>           fileUploadList.append(line.file_name)
>       if fileToCheck in fileUploadList:
>         btn = form.element('input',_type="submit)
>         btn["_onclick"] = return confirm('File Already exists in database, 
> are you sure you want to resubmit?');"
> def processing():
>    form = FORM(TABLE(TR(TD('upload file:', INPUT(_type='file', 
> _name='blah')))
>    if form.process(onvalidation=my_form_processing).accepted:
>       response.flash = "Processed file without errors!"
> the problem is it sets the element after the file uploads and i'm not sure 
> how I can make it pop up before the file actually gets uploaded.
> Appreciate any help!

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