Thanks for replying so promptly.
I second the comment from Fran about keeping the change-log (or
README) handy.

When MacOS tells me there's a new update to download, I always click
the link to find out what's new. Often it's minor fixes for stuff I
never use. In that case I'm not going to interrupt my day and do a
full reset just to be up-to-date for it's own sake.

When web2py tells me there's a new version, right there in the admin
console, the situation is even more serious, because I'm in the middle
of developing an app with the current version. Should I stop
development, go and download this thing and try to upgrade the project
I'm working on? Or should I worry about it later.

In the case of 1.63.3 I'd probably skip it, because I'm not developing
on windows and the other fixes don't seem like they'd offend me. I'll
probably skip 1.63.4 too. It's more serious, but since I'm using
python 2.5, I don't need to worry about it now.

But if I _were_ using 2.4, 1.63.4 would be crucial. I would definitely
want to download it. Not only because I would need that fix, but also
reading the README immediately might tell me of the 2.4 issue before I
ran into it and save me a frustrating few hours trying to find out why
my project is suddenly failing after my upgrade to 1.63.3.

See? With biweekly updates, I don't want to have to interrupt myself
and do a download/unzip/readme every time just to know whether I need
to upgrade.

I guess I can summarize it like this: The best thing about having a
direct link to the change-log (or just "what's new in this version")
right next to the news about the new version is that it allows me to
decide immediately if I can ignore it.

Being able to ignore things is a big productivity gain.

thanks for listening

Thing is, with

On Jun 4, 4:28 am, mdipierro <> wrote:
> useful thanks.
> Massimo
> On Jun 3, 6:05 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <> wrote:
> > I am so used to reading latest changes first, that I found reading the
> > README... a bit annoying.
> > Quick / dirty fix attached (insert in your web2py dir, and run to
> > view the README file....)
> > perhaps you'll appreciate this...
> > On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Fran <> wrote:
> > > On Jun 3, 9:24 pm, rhubarb <> wrote:
> > > > 2. what's changelog.
> > > > Generally I really like it when there's a "what's new" link next to
> > > > any new version link.
> > > +1 to having the full changelog visible from the webpage rather than
> > > needing to download the .zip & then follow the undocumented route of
> > > finding/opening the README inside it to see the changes.
> > > (Hopefully this is automatable as part of the release process, so
> > > doesn't add a burden...)
> > > PS Why is 1.64 mentioned in the changelog?
> > > - is that a plan for the next release?
> > > F
> >
> > 1KViewDownload
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