Hi again.
Here are another testing results.

First of all, let me remind you about is_integer bug. It doesn't allow
negative numbers. Correct code is:

Now. I've run more timings, more profiling and more code tweaks.
This time it was Core2 Duo @2.20GHz with 1G RAM. Ubuntu 8.04.
Testing strategy: 20 sets of 1000 GET requests to the main page. Same
application as before. For each set I have average GET request time.
For a group of 20 sets I get minimum average, global average and
maximum average. Also I have average model init time for 20k requests
(no splitting into each set).

1) Upstream sql.py
model 0.01646
min 0.02979
avg 0.03267
max 0.03597

2) Optimised SQLTable.__init__ and SQLField.__init__ (patches
attached, backwards compartible, though you may want to remove my
testing marks)
model 0.01380
min 0.02697
avg 0.03003
max 0.03189
So - about 8% speedup (by avg time) here.

3) Now lazy tables (patch attached).
Since I expect that you will not find any objections to my patches for
(2) here are cumulative results, i.e. optimised __init__s + lazy
hmmm. It doesn't improves results significantly anymore. It looks like
these patches are interchangeable. I've run my test three times,
results are:

model 0.01009
min 0.02555
avg 0.0297105
max 0.033360

model 0.01012
min 0.02369
avg 0.02983
max 0.03340

model 0.00966
min 0.02415
avg 0.02850
max 0.03208

So it makes some improvement about 1%-5% but somehow it also makes
testing results more disperse. Do not know if it worths including.
Massimo, your opinion?

4) Also I've tried to further speedup validator generation w/o losing
backwards compartibility, but improvement was about 1% and below the
margin of error (even less noticeable than with lazy tables).

On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 11:45 PM, Alexey Nezhdanov<snak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sunday 07 June 2009 18:41:30 mdipierro wrote:
>> I implemented a backward compatible speedup of the default validators.
>> I also realized that those many calls to is_integer could be avoided.
>> I think I fixed it.
> 0.0429/0.0844
> Somehow consistency is not kept across reboots :(
> ... about a hour later: and actually now I get about 10% noise so it become
> very hard to make any good measurements. I'll try tomorrow on better
> hardware. In the meanwhile, I'll try to profile it once again.
> ...
> ok, there are still two perfomance hogs left: SQLTable.__init__ (about 11%)
> and SQLField.__init__ (about 6,5%). These percentages are 'self' times - i.e.
> it was spent directly in lines 1099-1149, 1693-1752.
> Python profiling doesn't allow to attribute CPU consumption to individual
> lines so for now I don't have any more precise pointers. But that could be
> split into functional blocks and narrowed further down.
> In any case - we collected almost all low-hanging fruits. Any further
> optimisation will give gains of range 2-5%, not times anymore.
> Except lazy tables which still may give tens of percents. BTW - Massimo, you
> said something about SQLLazyTable class. You should implement SQLLazyField
> too then. Or may be just wait a day or two until I do deeper profiling.
>> Please check out the latest trunk.
>> Massimo
> P.S. Here is small fix to is_integer. We forgot about negative numbers:
> Also this version is tiny bit faster
> is_integer=re.compile('-?[\d]+).match
> --
> Sincerely yours
> Alexey Nezhdanov

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--- /home/snake/Desktop/sql.py	2009-06-08 09:36:27.225210464 +0400
+++ sql.py	2009-06-08 11:32:18.285211851 +0400
@@ -1112,39 +1112,46 @@
         @raise SyntaxError: when a supplied field is of incorrect type.
-        new_fields = []
-        for field in fields:
-            if isinstance(field, SQLField):
-                new_fields.append(field)
-            elif isinstance(field, SQLTable):
-                new_fields += [copy.copy(field[f]) for f in
-                               field.fields if f != 'id']
-            else:
-                raise SyntaxError, \
-                    'define_table argument is not a SQLField'
-        fields = new_fields
-        self._db = db
-        self._tablename = tablename
-        self.fields = SQLCallableList()
-        self._referenced_by = []
-        fields = list(fields)
-        fields.insert(0, SQLField('id', 'id'))
-        for field in fields:
-            self.fields.append(field.name)
-            self[field.name] = field
-            field._tablename = self._tablename
-            field._table = self
-            field._db = self._db
-            if isinstance(field.type,str) and field.type[:9] == 'reference':
-                referenced = field.type[10:].strip()
-                if not referenced:
-                    raise SyntaxError, 'SQLTable: reference to nothing!'
-                if not referenced in self._db:
-                    raise SyntaxError, 'SQLTable: table does not exist'
-                referee = self._db[referenced]
-                if self._tablename in referee.fields:
-                    raise SyntaxError, 'SQLField: table %s has same name as a field in referenced table %s' % (self._tablename, referee._tablename)
-                referee._referenced_by.append((self._tablename, field.name))
+        new_fields = [ SQLField('id', 'id') ]                                         # 1
+        for field in fields:                                    # 1
+            if isinstance(field, SQLField):                     # 1                    0.11
+                new_fields.append(field)                        # 1
+            elif isinstance(field, SQLTable):                   # 1
+                new_fields += [copy.copy(field[f]) for f in     # 1
+                               field.fields if f != 'id']       # 1
+            else:                                               # 1
+                raise SyntaxError, 'define_table argument is not a SQLField'   # 1
+#        fields = new_fields             # 0
+        self._db = db                   # 0
+        self._tablename = tablename     # 0                                             0.11
+        fields = self.fields = SQLCallableList() # 0
+        self._referenced_by = []        # 0
+#        fields = list(fields)                   # 2
+#        fields.insert(0, SQLField('id', 'id'))  # 2                                     0.23
+        for field in new_fields:                 # 2
+            field_name=field.name
+            fields.append(field_name)              # 3                             0.58
+#            self[field_name] = field                    # 3
+            dict.__setitem__(self, field_name, field)
+            field._tablename = tablename          # 3
+            field._table = self                                              # 3a       0.43
+            field._db = db                                             # 3a
+            try:
+                if field.type[:9] != 'reference':
+                    continue
+            except:
+#            if isinstance(field.type, str) and field.type[:9] == 'reference': # 3a
+                referenced = field.type[10:].strip()                            # 4
+                try:
+                    referee = db[referenced]                                  # 4
+                except:
+                    if not referenced in db:                                  # 4
+                        if not referenced:                                              # 4
+                            raise SyntaxError, 'SQLTable: reference to nothing!'        # 4     0.19
+                        raise SyntaxError, 'SQLTable: table does not exist'         # 4
+                if tablename in referee.fields:                           # 4
+                    raise SyntaxError, 'SQLField: table %s has same name as a field in referenced table %s' % (tablename, referee._tablename)
+                referee._referenced_by.append((tablename, field_name))    # 4
         self.ALL = SQLALL(self)
--- /home/snake/Desktop/sql.py	2009-06-08 09:36:27.225210464 +0400
+++ sql.py	2009-06-08 11:27:23.206210851 +0400
@@ -1718,13 +1725,14 @@
             raise SyntaxError, 'SQLField: invalid field name'
         if isinstance(type, SQLTable):
             type = 'reference ' + type._tablename
-        if not length and type == 'string':
-            type = 'text'
-        elif not length and type == 'password':
-            length = 32
-        self.type = type  # 'string', 'integer'
-        if type == 'upload':
+        elif type == 'upload':
             length = 64
+        elif not length:
+            if type == 'string':
+                type = 'text'
+            elif type == 'password':
+                length = 32
+        self.type = type  # 'string', 'integer'
         self.length = length  # the length of the string
         self.default = default  # default value for field
         self.required = required  # is this field required
@@ -1746,10 +1754,11 @@
             self.label = ' '.join([x.capitalize() for x in
         if requires == sqlhtml_validators:
-            requires = sqlhtml_validators(type, length)
+            self.requires = sqlhtml_validators(type, length)
         elif requires is None:
-            requires = []
-        self.requires = requires  # list of validators
+            self.requires = []
+        else:
+            self.requires = requires  # list of validators
     def formatter(self, value):
         if value is None or not self.requires:
--- /home/snake/Desktop/sql.py	2009-06-08 09:36:27.225210464 +0400
+++ sql.py	2009-06-08 10:26:42.605233069 +0400
@@ -513,13 +513,16 @@
     def __getitem__(self, key):
+        value = dict.__getitem__(self, str(key))
+        if not callable(value) or key[0]=='_' or not isinstance(value, types.FunctionType): return value
+#        print 'calling',value
+        value.__call__()        # That must redefine table in-place
         return dict.__getitem__(self, str(key))
+    __getattr__ = __getitem__
     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
         dict.__setitem__(self, str(key), value)
-    def __getattr__(self, key):
-        return dict.__getitem__(self,key)
     def __setattr__(self, key, value):
         if key in self:
@@ -942,14 +945,14 @@
         for key in args:
-            if key != 'migrate':
+            if key not in ('migrate', 'redefine'):
                 raise SyntaxError, 'invalid table attribute: %s' % key
         migrate = args.get('migrate',True)
         tablename = cleanup(tablename)
-        if hasattr(self,tablename) or tablename[0] == '_':
-            raise SyntaxError, 'invalid table name: %s' % tablename
-        if tablename in self.tables:
+        if tablename in self.tables and not args.get('redefine', False):
             raise SyntaxError, 'table already defined: %s' % tablename
+        elif tablename[0] == '_' or getattr(SQLDB, tablename, None):
+            raise SyntaxError, 'invalid table name: %s' % tablename
         t = self[tablename] = SQLTable(self, tablename, *fields)
         # db magic

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