Hi Tom,
wiki's tables are not present. 
You have to include them during the migration, probably you have defined 
the wiki object in a controller?


On Saturday, November 29, 2014 6:22:00 PM UTC+1, Tom Øyvind Hogstad wrote:
> My migrations suddenly failed with
> Error:
> <class 'gluon.contrib.pg8000.errors.ProgrammingError'> ('ERROR', '42P01', 
> 'relation "wiki_page" does not exist')
> This will happen for any relation trying to commenting them out etc.
> Running a fake_migrate_all and the problem still persists, so I can not 
> find a way around manually modify my PostgreSQL schema at the moment.
> Any suggestions?
> Web2Py: 2.9.11
> PostrgeSQL: 9.3
> Tom Ø.

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