On Thursday, December 4, 2014 9:21:22 AM UTC-5, Louis Amon wrote:
> Note, aside from adding a few lines in the admin app to have its sessions 
>> stored in the db, another option might be to edit the handler file used to 
>> start web2py. In that file, you should be able to do something like this:
>> from gluon.settings import global_settings
>> global_settings.db_sessions = True
> This does not work because db_sessions is only considered if 
> response.session_storage_type 
> == 'db' (i.e. if the db attribute is set in session.connect(...)).
> Admin uses the default session.connect(...) so it does not set a db to 
> store sessions into. Global settings won't change that (sadly).

Good point. So, I suppose you would have to edit admin no matter what. 
Still, it's a fairly simple edit. 

The reason for this is that the ephemeral system on Heroku can be reset 
> randomly at any given time, so sending tickets through the bundled script 
> would sometimes send "ticket missing" emails.

I'm not too familiar with Heroku, but according to the little documentation 
I have seen, the filesystem should persist until the dyno restarts or is 
shut down. Does it really just reset randomly?


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