@Leonel you should make a PR of this.  We have a program profiler, a memory 
profiler would be great!

@niplhod do you know if is there a way to integrate memory profiling in 

Il giorno lunedì 2 febbraio 2015 00:35:50 UTC+1, Leonel Câmara ha scritto:
> If you have pool_size defined can you tell me if putting pool_size=0 in 
> your DAL solves this problem?
> Anyway I got really interested in this, for some unknown to me reason, and 
> decided to create a *VERY CRUDE* decorator to memory check your 
> controller functions for leaks, I guess with time we could refine this if 
> there's a desire to have a memory leak checker for controller functions in 
> web2py. I hope it helps, if it doesn't at least it was fun to code.
> def memcheck(f):
>     """
>     A crude decorator to memory check your web2py controller's functions.
>     False positives are possible if your controller function returns less 
> than
>     common stuff.
>     Put it in your models and then decorate your controller functions.
>     example:
>     @memcheck
>     def index():
>         response.flash = T("Welcome to web2py!")
>         return dict(message=T('Hello World'))
>     BEERWARE - You should try to buy Leonel Câmara beers!
>     """
>     from functools import wraps
>     from collections import Counter, Mapping, Iterable
>     from gluon.languages import lazyT
>     from gc import get_objects
>     def get_value_objects(v):
>         """
>         Generate an object for each value in a value including itself.
>         """
>         if isinstance(v, basestring):
>             yield v
>         elif isinstance(v, lazyT):
>             yield v
>             yield v.s # Check lazyT symbols dict
>             for i in v.s:  
>                 for new_v in get_value_objects(i):
>                     yield new_v
>         elif isinstance(v, Mapping):
>             yield v
>             for i in v.values():
>                 for new_v in get_value_objects(i):
>                     yield new_v
>         elif isinstance(v, Iterable):
>             yield v
>             for i in v:
>                 for new_v in get_value_objects(i):
>                     yield new_v
>         else:
>             yield v
>     @wraps(f)
>     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
>         before = Counter(type(obj) for obj in get_objects())
>         result = f(*args, **kwargs)
>         after = Counter(type(obj) for obj in get_objects())
>         result_objs = Counter(type(obj) for obj in get_value_objects(
> result))
>         count = after - before - result_objs - Counter([Counter])
>         # This and other stuff put in the response or session is not a 
> memory
>         # leak.
>         # So false positives may appear for what's not accounted here.
>         if response.flash: 
>             count -= Counter(type(obj) for obj in get_value_objects(
> response.flash))
>         if response.js: 
>             count -= Counter(type(obj) for obj in get_value_objects(
> response.js))
>         # Finally we are ready to report what we have found.
>         for k in count:
>             print 'LEAKED: %d of type %s' % (count[k], k)
>         return result
>     return wrapper

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