What is we have folders like


and __init__ is executed for every action and controller
and default/__init__ is executed for every action in controller
and default/index only for the index action, etc etc.

if there is no folder, then controllers are executed alphabetically
(but __init__ skips ahead if present).

other depencies in models would result in a mess.

What d you think?

On Jun 11, 4:39 pm, AchipA <attila.cs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 11, 10:08 pm, DenesL <denes1...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> > Using the common code in the controller as a model substitute?
> > There goes the MVC separation.
> > And the other models still get executed.
> > I think AchipA means execute one model only.
> > The problem is that models are executed before controllers (aren't
> > they?), but then this points back to using ifs in models as suggested
> > by Massimo.
> Not quite. I recommend we do the same as we do with views. E.g. if I'm
> in a stuff.py controller, then
> a) if there is no stuff.py in models, we include all models,
> convenient for development, friendly to newbies
> b) if there IS a stuff.py in models, we include ONLY that, and that
> model file is responsible for it's dependencies - see below.
> > Let's suppose we change that.
> > Where do you keep common model code?
> > common = used by all ctls, except those with a name
> Now, for the kicker - in the model we could do an equivalent of
> {{extend 'layout.html'}} (=sort of import ?) to include any
> dependencies. This would also pull in any 'common' models (just like
> we do with layout.html).  Note the subtle difference - I don't want a
> single EXTRA model to be included - I want to avoid loading
> unnecessary models.
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