Thanks but I do have
type="text/javascript"/>   <-- this ends with /> which is correct.

Looks like no one else has seen this problem.I suspect the WSGI
servers serve up the .js file in a different order than what Microsoft
IIS 5.1 does
and also I am guessing the IE8 and Firefox are sensitive to the order
of the .js files.  I had IE 8 popup and error message saying a
function was not defined,
and then when I changed the order of the .js files to put the file of
the definition of the function ahead of the file using that function,
then the error popup did not occur.
Perhaps CHROME 2 is smarter and preloads ALL of the .js files BEFORE
it does any parsing, so it is not sensitive to .js order. Just my

On Jun 11, 5:16 am, annet <> wrote:
> I do not know if it is a copy and paste error, but did not you forget
> the closing </script> tag.
> <script src="{{=URL(r=request,c='static',f='jquery.js')}}" type="text/
> javascript"></script>
> Kind regards,
> Annet.
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