Hi to all,

I would like to ask for some advices on my web2py application arquitecture 
as I am seeing it grow rapidly and it might be a good time to start 
thinking it through before it is too late :)

The website I am working on consist of several big parts (for now it has 2 
web2py applications):

+ Events (*almost done*) : *App 1*
+ Shop (*almost done*) : *App 1*
+ Blog (*not yet developed*)
+ Content Management for the above (*almost done*)* App 2*  (it has its own 
users and thus a separate auth_user table)
+ User Profiles (small social network with user timeline) (*not yet 
+ Control Panel (stats, user management, logs...)  (*not yet developed*) 
(will probably go inside App2)

They both share the same models (except the auth_user tables) and database, 
with *App 2* being the one with migration turned on. 
I have so far *73 tables* and I will probably need some more for things 
like "comments" or "likes".

As I still need to build 2 big sections (a blog and user profile with 
content generated) I am wondering what approach would be the best:

   - Create 2 separate applications with their own databases. I wonder then 
   if I will have issues with user authentifiaction between those apps (I read 
   here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/web2py/e15Q0SYjX_w that there 
   shouldn't be any problem though)
   - Start using some conditional models (I have* lazy tables* turned on 
   and I read somewhere that conditional models aren't really that useful 
   - Keep Start using modules and import models from there (never done it, 
   I might need some advice).
For the info I am deploying on GAE with Cloud SQL (MySQL).

Thanks for any advice and help on this, greatly appreciated.
If anyone has successfully developed a website integrating several web2py 
apps I would love to hear from it.


- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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