I have two web2py applications; modules are defined in the first one, and 
symlinked from the second one. .
This is the structure (also notice some symlinked models):

applications/app1/models/0_template.py*  ---> symlink to 

applications/app2/models/0.py*  ---> symlink to app1/models/0.py*
applications/app2/models/db.py*  ---> symlink to app1/models/db.py*
applications/app2/modules/* ---> symlink to app1/modules/*

This two applications are two separated mercurial repositories.
Every once in a while, I make some change to one (or both) application, 
then I go to the server and I do a hg pull and hg update. 
After the hg update, the application shows an *intermitent* error 500 with 
this traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/gonguinguen/medios/gluon/restricted.py", line 227, in restricted
    exec ccode in environment
<http://localhost/admin/edit/fundapres_panel/models/0_template.py>, line 3, in 
    from globales import Template, VariableConfiguracion, Estilo, Tema
  File "/home/gonguinguen/medios/gluon/custom_import.py", line 95, in 
    return base_importer(pname, globals, locals, fromlist, level)
ImportError: No module named fundapres_panel.modules.globales

In order to get it to work again, I have to restart uwsgi process (that's 
what I'm using, nginx + uwsgi). 
Restarting uwsgi process solves the problem, but I don't want to restart 
uwsgi process every time I do an update.

Notice that the line throwing the error is in models/0_template.py, which 
is one of the models that is symlinked. 
Also, I don't understand why *the error is intermitent* (but it's there, 
the error shows up once every two or three calls).

And one last thing: *the error appears even if the update doesn't update 
anything.* Even if nothing has changed in the repository, if I do an 
update, the error appears and I'm forced to restart uwsgi process.

I'm not using track_changes or anything like that. 
I'm using the simple form of the mercurial update, just "hg update", no 
parameters provided.

I know it's possible to import modules in other ways (using __import__ or 
importlib), but I've tried that and the problem remains. Any suggestion 
will be appreciated. Thanks!

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