then I really don't know why are you complaining about uwsgi restarted 
several times. if you have a single process handling all the things, said 
process should be reloaded every time you update any of your apps.

On Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 3:47:32 PM UTC+2, Lisandro wrote:
> I see your point. I'm reconsidering the whole thing. Your answer made me 
> think that maybe my setup isn't quite right.
> First of all, I've found a solution for my problem of the error when 
> updating code: I will just copy the modules from one app to another, 
> instead of symlinking. I think now it's the best practical solution, and it 
> can be done quickly and easy. This solves the "problem" and allows me to 
> update my web2py apps without reloading uwsgi (of course there will be 
> cases where reloading will have to be done).
> Now, regarding the setup. You say multiple apps --> multiple uwsgi 
> processes, but I think my configuration is different (and maybe wrong). 
> What I have is the result of having followed this steps of the book:
> So I have:
>  - one only web2py instance
>  - one only uwsgi configuration file, as in the book: /etc/uwsgi/web2py.xml
> Then, I installed several web2py apps under /var/www/web2py/applications, 
> and I've configured to serve each web2py app through a specific 
> domain. Inside nginx's configuration, I've defined one virtual host (server 
> block) per domain, and all of them make an uwsgi_pass to the same socket, 
> thus, all web2py apps are using the same socket.
> I also have uwsgi emperor mode. I know, what's the point of having emperor 
> mode if I have only one uwsgi configuration file? It's because I'm planning 
> to run two more web2py instances, but not right now. Right now, emperor 
> mode is only watching the file /etc/uwsgi/web2py.xml. That file is pretty 
> much like the one showed by the book. So, when I say "reload or restart 
> uwsgi" I mean touching that file, in order to emperor reloading the 
> configuration.
> Is this setup correct (or at least acceptable) for deploying multiple 
> web2py apps?
> El miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015, 18:23:59 (UTC-3), Niphlod escribió:
>> there's a distinct lack of singular/plurals in your statements that may 
>> pinpoint the problem.
>> multiple apps --> multiple uwsgi processes
>> either you "hg update" all the apps, and restart ALL uwsgi processes 
>> (more a reload than a restart, hopefully, touching EACH and EVERYONE of the 
>> files uwsgi watches for changes, without them being simlinked) OR for every 
>> app, you hg update and then restart THE uwsgi process, touching the single 
>> file that reloads THAT app.
>> IMHO you'd need to do the latter, without EVER simlinking anything. There 
>> are tons of deploy facilities lying around that will make symlinking an 
>> old-fashioned thingy.

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