I don't think you'll be able to use that method from the browser with the 
auth.requires_login() decorator, as the browser will not send the 
Authorization header unless the server first sends back a 401 response, and 
auth.basic() does not do that by default. To get that behavior, you would 
have to enable a basic auth realm. So, instead of using the decorator, to 
check authorization, in your function, you could do something like:

    if not auth.basic(basic_auth_realm=True)[2]:
        raise HTTP(403):

auth.basic() returns a 3-tuple, the last element of which indicates whether 
the submitted credentials are associated with a valid user.

Anyway, presumably you're not planning to make these basic auth calls from 
the browser, so you should be able to stick with the auth.requires_login() 
decorator if you'll instead being using some other tool to make the 


On Friday, December 11, 2015 at 9:44:16 AM UTC-5, Boris Aramis Aguilar 
Rodríguez wrote:
> Currently I'm trying to create a service for my application as follows:
> auth.settings.allow_basic_login = True
> @auth.requires_login()
> def test():
>     from gluon.serializers import json
>     return json((auth.user, 'hello'))
> But I've tried to do authentication using the browser as follows:
> https://u...@domain.com:password@
> (which of course seems broken since @ doesn't seem valid)
> So I tried the scaped version:
> https://user%40domain.com:password@
> but still, I'm being redirected to the login URL, like if basic auth had 
> no effect.

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