I don't think this has anything to do with the wizard. Looks like all of 
your numeric fields are defined as "string" types (which is the default 
when you don't specify the "type" argument); yet your "formatter" method is 
expecting float values to be coming from the database.


On Thursday, December 24, 2015 at 11:05:41 AM UTC-5, aetagot...@gmail.com 
> Using the form wizard, user inputs values into fields and upon completion 
> of form is redirected to sqlform.grid page, where the uploaded file can be 
> viewed, this all works. The problem is when I try to view the database I 
> get this error:
> *    def formatter(self,value): return '%.2f' % valueTypeError: float 
> argument required, not str*
> This was not a problem until I implemented the form wizard, I can't figure 
> out what is causing it. 
> *Models:*from decimal import *
>      def formatter(self,value): return '%.2f' % value
> db.define_table('tablecosts',
>     Field('yourname', 'string', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), label='Your 
> name:'),
>     Field('thedate', 'date', requires=IS_DATE(format='%m-%d-%Y', 
> error_message=T('Enter date in the format: mm-dd-yyyy')), label='Report 
> date:'),
>     Field('num1', requires=IS_MYDECIMAL(None,None),
>          label='first:'),
>     Field('num2', requires=IS_MYDECIMAL(None,None),
>          label='second:'),
>     Field('num3', requires=IS_MYDECIMAL(None,None),
>          label='third:'),
>     Field('num4', requires=IS_MYDECIMAL(None,None),
>          label='fourth:'),
> ##there are a lot more fields but this is the gist of it, to keep the post 
> short
>     Field('costs_file', 'upload', compute=costs_calc),
>     Field('created_by', 'reference auth_user',
>           default=auth.user_id, readable=False, writable=False))
> *Controller:*
> @auth.requires_login()
> def tablecosts():
>     STEPS = {0: ('yourname', 'thedate'), # fields for 1st page
>              1: ('num1', 'num2', 'num3'), # fields for 2nd page
>              2: ('num4'), #fields for 3rd
>              ##this goes on for a few pages with more fields
>              6: URL('costslist')} # url when wizard completed
>     step = int(request.args(0) or 0)
>     if not step in STEPS: redirect(URL(args=0))
>     fields = STEPS[step]
>     print "Fields: " + str(fields) + " Step " + str(step)
>     if step==0: 
>         session.tablecosts = {}
>     if isinstance(fields,tuple):
>         form = SQLFORM.factory(*[f for f in db.tablecosts if f.name in 
> fields])
>         if form.accepts(request,session):
>             session.tablecosts.update(form.vars)
>             redirect(URL(args=step+1))            
>     else:
>         db.tablecosts.insert(**session.tablecosts)
>         session.flash = T('form completed')
>         redirect(fields)
> ...

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