I added field type as double for those fields and that fixed, it's just 
strange that it didn't catch that error before.

Thank you

On Thursday, December 24, 2015 at 9:07:12 AM UTC-8, Anthony wrote:
> I don't think this has anything to do with the wizard. Looks like all of 
> your numeric fields are defined as "string" types (which is the default 
> when you don't specify the "type" argument); yet your "formatter" method is 
> expecting float values to be coming from the database.
> Anthony
> On Thursday, December 24, 2015 at 11:05:41 AM UTC-5, aetag...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:> wrote:
>> Using the form wizard, user inputs values into fields and upon completion 
>> of form is redirected to sqlform.grid page, where the uploaded file can be 
>> viewed, this all works. The problem is when I try to view the database I 
>> get this error:
>> *    def formatter(self,value): return '%.2f' % valueTypeError: float 
>> argument required, not str*
>> This was not a problem until I implemented the form wizard, I can't 
>> figure out what is causing it. 
>> *Models:*from decimal import *
>>      def formatter(self,value): return '%.2f' % value
>> db.define_table('tablecosts',
>>     Field('yourname', 'string', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), label='Your 
>> name:'),
>>     Field('thedate', 'date', requires=IS_DATE(format='%m-%d-%Y', 
>> error_message=T('Enter date in the format: mm-dd-yyyy')), label='Report 
>> date:'),
>>     Field('num1', requires=IS_MYDECIMAL(None,None),
>>          label='first:'),
>>     Field('num2', requires=IS_MYDECIMAL(None,None),
>>          label='second:'),
>>     Field('num3', requires=IS_MYDECIMAL(None,None),
>>          label='third:'),
>>     Field('num4', requires=IS_MYDECIMAL(None,None),
>>          label='fourth:'),
>> ##there are a lot more fields but this is the gist of it, to keep the 
>> post short
>>     Field('costs_file', 'upload', compute=costs_calc),
>>     Field('created_by', 'reference auth_user',
>>           default=auth.user_id, readable=False, writable=False))
>> *Controller:*
>> @auth.requires_login()
>> def tablecosts():
>>     STEPS = {0: ('yourname', 'thedate'), # fields for 1st page
>>              1: ('num1', 'num2', 'num3'), # fields for 2nd page
>>              2: ('num4'), #fields for 3rd
>>              ##this goes on for a few pages with more fields
>>              6: URL('costslist')} # url when wizard completed
>>     step = int(request.args(0) or 0)
>>     if not step in STEPS: redirect(URL(args=0))
>>     fields = STEPS[step]
>>     print "Fields: " + str(fields) + " Step " + str(step)
>>     if step==0: 
>>         session.tablecosts = {}
>>     if isinstance(fields,tuple):
>>         form = SQLFORM.factory(*[f for f in db.tablecosts if f.name in 
>> fields])
>>         if form.accepts(request,session):
>>             session.tablecosts.update(form.vars)
>>             redirect(URL(args=step+1))            
>>     else:
>>         db.tablecosts.insert(**session.tablecosts)
>>         session.flash = T('form completed')
>>         redirect(fields)
>> ...

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